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The original suggested name for this project was 'Kingdom People, Big Questions', but that did not gather much support.  Neither did 'Kingdom People, Just Society'.


After some discussion, twelve possible names were identified.  In no particular order ...


We don't have to stick with just one name: many groups have two - the legal name (the one on the bank account) and the trading name (the one on the website).  And, of course, the domain name is likely to be slightly different again.  Also, having two names would give a bit more flexibility for the future: if there is only one project, the one name refers to everything, but if at some point we (or, possibly, some of us) want to set up a related project, then it becomes helpful to distinguish between the organization and the projects.

What we are looking for in a name:


We took a vote, and Just Human? won.  But it's not a clear victory, so the choice is a provisional one: it can serve as the legal name, and when we are further down the road and have a larger group of people involved, we can re-run the name question and see if something more suitable stands out.


The votes for the names went as follows.

Big Questions 2
Community Matters 9
Considered Community 4
Just Human? 19
Just Society 2
Kingdom People 3
Not Just Us 7
Philonouths 0
Reason for Change 6
Strange & Wonderful 3
Things That Matter 11
Us and Us 4